Understanding Field Sobriety Tests: What You Need to Know in Tennessee


Field sobriety tests are often the first step in determining whether a driver is under the influence of alcohol or drugs. In Tennessee, law enforcement officers use these tests to gather evidence and establish probable cause for a DUI arrest. As a driver, it's crucial to understand the different types of field sobriety tests, your rights, and the potential consequences of failing these tests. In this blog post, we will discuss the most common field sobriety tests in Tennessee, your rights during the testing process, and how a skilled attorney like Julia E. Stovall Attorney At Law can help you navigate the legal system if you're facing DUI charges.

Common Field Sobriety Tests in Tennessee

There are three primary field sobriety tests used by law enforcement officers in Tennessee:

  • Horizontal Gaze Nystagmus (HGN) Test: The officer will ask you to follow a pen or flashlight with your eyes as it moves from side to side. They are looking for involuntary jerking movements in your eyes, which can be a sign of intoxication.
  • Walk and Turn Test: You will be asked to walk heel-to-toe in a straight line, turn around, and walk back. The officer will look for signs of imbalance, difficulty following instructions, or other indicators of impairment.
  • One-Leg Stand Test: You will be asked to stand on one leg and count aloud for a specified period. The officer will look for signs of swaying, hopping, or putting your foot down, which can indicate intoxication.

These tests are not foolproof, and many factors can influence your performance, such as fatigue, medical conditions, or even nervousness. However, failing one or more of these tests can lead to an arrest for DUI.

Your Rights During Field Sobriety Tests

It's essential to understand your rights during a field sobriety test in Tennessee. You have the right to:

  • Refuse the test: You are not legally required to participate in field sobriety tests. However, refusing the test can lead to an arrest based on the officer's observations and could be used against you in court.
  • Request an attorney: If you are unsure about your rights or the testing process, you can ask to consult with an attorney before agreeing to the test. However, this request may not prevent the officer from conducting the test or making an arrest.
  • Challenge the test results: If you believe that the test results were inaccurate or that the officer did not administer the test correctly, you can challenge the results in court with the help of an experienced DUI attorney.

Consequences of Failing a Field Sobriety Test

Failing a field sobriety test can lead to an arrest for DUI and potential penalties, including:

  • License suspension or revocation
  • Fines and court costs
  • Jail time
  • Community service
  • Alcohol and drug education or treatment programs
  • Increased insurance rates

If you've been arrested for DUI after failing a field sobriety test, it's crucial to consult with an experienced attorney like Julia E. Stovall Attorney At Law to protect your rights and build a strong defense.

Facing Tennessee DUI Charges? Call Julia

Understanding field sobriety tests and your rights during the testing process is crucial for Tennessee drivers. If you find yourself facing DUI charges after failing a field sobriety test, don't hesitate to contact Julia E. Stovall Attorney At Law for expert legal guidance and representation. With years of experience in family law and DUI defense, Julia E. Stovall is committed to helping clients navigate the legal system and achieve the best possible outcome for their case.
